VMTA Fall Conference
October, 2006 - George Mason University
Kelly Ker Hackleman, John Healey. |
Lee Slatton, Corky Sablinsky, Anne James. |
Linda Monson, Sonya Kim. |
Melody Bober. |
Charlottesville MTA, Ruple. |
Debra Gunnerson, student, Linda Monson. |
Teri Compos-Falk, Anthony Maiello. |
VMTA Spring Conference
June 4, 2006 - Charlottesville
The Spring Conference was held on June 3, 2006 in Charlottesville, VA.
The business meeting and luncheon took place at Westminster-Canterbury of
the Blue Ridge in Charlottesville.
Dr. Jeffrey Brown, Christopher Newport University, spoke on
preparing music students for college auditions. |
Kim Peachy, President 2003-05 accepted an honorary plaque from
President Wanda Hall. |
Four Local Association Presidents who attended the Spring
Conference are L-R: Sarah O’Brien, Roanoke Valley; Laura Hoffman,
Harrisonburg; Lucy Morrow, Highlands; Sharon Stewart, Richmond. |