This video by Dr. Tracy Cowden gives an overview of the certification process and benefits of becoming certified. She also highlights what the Certification Commission is doing to assist teachers with the certification process: |
Certification is a process that validates an individual's qualifications for a specific field of professional practice. It demonstrates to employers, clients, and peers that which the individual knows and is able to do. It signifies commitment to continued excellence in professional practice. In addition, it increases visibility, builds credibility, provides a goal for personal professional achievement, and validates expertise for the individual and to those both inside and outside the field.
For many years, certification of music teachers was administered by each state. Now national standards are tested and credentials granted by the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA). The purpose of the VMTA Certification Committee is to promote certification in the Commonwealth of Virginia in order to bolster professionalism in music teaching. The MTNA Professional Certification program exists for teachers who teach music to students of any age level in private or group settings. Music teachers who would like more information about becoming a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) may go to Certification at, contact Melissa Curtice, MTNA Certification Associate at (888) 512-5278, ext. 237 or e-mail her at
Any questions regarding MTNA certification may also be addressed to any member of the Certification Committee or to Certification Chairs of Local Associations.