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Conners Publications (ASCAP) and CP Press Publications (BMI) are divisions of A & L Musical Enterprises, Inc.
Website © 2010 by A & L Musical Enterprises, Inc.
The following composers are represented by Conners Publications:
Al Benner | Alessandro Besozzi | Wolfgang Bottenberg |
Bernard Brindel | Aris Carastathis | James Chaudoir |
Collections | Dinos Constantinides | Carson Cooman |
Barton Cummings | Frederick Delius | Emma Lou Diemer |
Michael Edward Edgerton | Giuseppe Ferlendis | Mark Francis |
Christopher Frye | Bryan Fusilier | Louis M. Gottschalk |
Piotr Grella-Mozejko | Edvard Grieg | G. F. Handel |
Anthony Philip Heinrich | Niloufar Iravani | Wallace McKenzie |
Andrea Mitternight | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Kenneth Olson |
Jenus Phillips | Liduino Pitombeira | William Price |
Robert Rathmell | Anton Reichenauer | Wieslaw Rentowski |
B. J. Rosco | Antonio Salieri | Matthew Santa |
Donald Bryce Thompson | Mitchell Turner | Henri Vieuxtemps |
Roger Vogel | J. C. M. Widerkehr | Mickie Willis |
John Winsor | Betty Wishart |
(44 composers and 381 individual works represented)
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